Sunday, April 15, 2018

Manhattan Beach

This is less of a book review and more of a cautionary tale. It's a tale of what happens when you break your own rules and live with the consequences. I broke my rule and lost a week of my life because of it.

That's a little dramatic, I grant you.

But, I made a rule years ago not to finish a book I don't like. I'm not in college anymore, I don't have to finish the books that I start. No one is grading me on this. It's a good rule. I have a full-time job and a husband and kids and shit to do. Why waste any of my "free" time doing something that doesn't make me happy? Well, I broke the rule with this book and I'm really mad at myself for it.

I was so excited to read this book, as I loved Egan's Visit From the Goon Squad years ago. I got the notice from the library that it was available less than 24 hours before getting on a flight. Kismet, I thought. And, on that short flight to Vegas, I didn't even pay for the in-flight Wifi. I burned through 125 pages thinking good things were ahead. Still, I had no idea where it was going. When I closed the book after the final page (400+), I still didn't know what it was about. I felt less than "meh." 

The book tells the story of a family during the World War II. Through the eyes of a young woman determined to prove herself (kinda), you read of life in NYC during that desperate time. Her father vanishes, her crippled sister yearns for life... Christ, I can't even fake this. This book meandered to nowhere and you should only read it if you're content wandering down the street with nowhere to go and nothing interesting to look at.

Harsh? Maybe. But, this book is too long and written by too talented of a writer to leave me so dissatisfied. 

Oh, and I'm also about 5 episodes into a podcast that's going nowhere, so if you know where I can find a little inspiration, hit me up.

Finishing what you started is overrated anyway.

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