Sunday, October 18, 2020

Let Love Rule


You know that thing from Friends where Chandler and Janice have the "freebie list" of their celebrity free passes? Lenny is my #1. You remember that show Behind the Music? Lenny's changed my perspective on the man and his music AND introduced me to my all-time favorite love story (Lenny and Lisa Bonet.) And, I think his album Mama Said is one of the top 5 best road trip albums.

Of course I was going to love his book.

I'm going to go against APStyle here and call him Lenny here, because we're on a first-name basis. He's my #1, as you know.

The moment I could, I pre-ordered Lenny's memoir. Then, I had to spend the last few weeks ignoring every interview he's done as not to give anything away. While some of his early life was depicted in tat Behind the Music special, this book focuses entirely on it. It's his life leading up to the release of Let Love Rule, the album that launched him into stardom. But, you realize when you learn about his life, Lenny was surrounded by stardom from the beginning.

His parents were well-connected even before his mom got her role on The Jeffersons. Lenny talks about going to Manhattan clubs as a kid and seeing jazz legends play up close. He lived across the street from Joe Namath. His first concert was The Jackson 5 at Madison Square Garden. Still, it was decades before he would find his voice, his muse and his style. 

The book details a move to California, struggles with his dad, his musical connections with people like Barry Gordy's son. He talks about the moment he simultaneously discovered marijuana and Led Zepplin. You learn that he predicted his marriage to Lisa Bonet before they ever met. And, when they did finally meet (at a New Edition concert, people), their now-legendary love story began as a friendship instead.

I loved hearing these stories in Lenny's voice. He was from a mixed-race family in the 70's, grew up loving fashion and music way outside of his family's comfort zone. He found faith before he found Denise Huxtable. Most of all, he loved his mom. 

I'm not kidding you, my main parenting goal is for my two sons to love me even a fraction of how much Lenny loved his mom. 

(Let's take a moment and appreciate that. Just watch.) 

I love Lenny and loved these stories. Now, I want more. Now, I want life after Let Love Rule. 

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