Friday, March 2, 2018

The Power

What would happen if everything was different? If the patriarchy was upended and the women ruled all? Would it truly be, as many have said, a kinder, gentler world? Would our innate kindness prevail? This book examines that question in ways only a brilliant storyteller could imagine.

In The Power, it happens in a flash - literally. Young girls around the world develop a power that initially can't be explained. They can generate electricity from inside themselves, giving them the power to fight off almost anyone. You cheer for them initially, as victims of rape can stun and kill their attackers by summoning this power from within. You watch as entire societies are upended. Then, you hope against hope they won't do what others in power have done for centuries.

It's that quote above that stuck with me throughout. As the women slowly gain power and take over the world, you hold you breath and hope they choose a better path. Momentum builds towards the inevitable, yet you still hope someone will come in and stop it. And, you hope that "we" turn out to be better than "them."

A friend and co-worker gave me this book the day before I flew across the country. I opened it before my flight took off and immediately knew I wouldn't be napping on this flight. I couldn't read it fast enough, as I watched through that open slit between my fingerprints, fearful of what was to come.

The jacket of this book says it will make you rethink everything. It did not oversell. Beautifully written, completely unique and perfectly timed with the #MeToo movement, it's food for thought wrapped in literature. 

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