Friday, April 5, 2019

Daisy Jones & The Six

It's April. And, I think I just read my favorite book of 2019.

I already know it's my favorite book so far this year - and, it's not even close. But, I can't imagine loving a book more this year than I loved this one. I hesitate to even say too much because I feel like I'll ruin the surprise. I don't, however, worry that I'll oversell it. This book is one of those that crawls inside you and you don't forget it. I already wish I could read it again for the first time.

That's the quote that set me on fire. It's about 10 percent of the way in and it makes you feel like you know everything you need to know about Daisy Jones. An enigmatic rock star of the 1970's, Daisy Jones is a little bit of Stevie, a little bit of Janis, a little bit of Joni... She's the kind of rock chick that draws everyone to her - and, she refuses to be put in a box. But, what happens to Daisy and her bandmates in the other 90 percent of this book will light you up - and, break your heart.

This book is told as if the band is giving an oral history, decades after recording an iconic album. It's told through a series of "interviews" with every member of the band, focusing mostly on Daisy and front man Billy Dunne. How did they come together? What made them so incredible together? And, what ultimately tore them apart? It's all laid out as if it was one giant Rolling Stone article. The band recalls their quick rise and unexpected fall through old through song lyrics and wild nights on tour and, ultimately, love stories. I found myself swallowed up in this world, feeling so deeply for every character. Think of the best episode of Behind the Music you ever saw (the one about TLC, duh...) and, then imagine someone wrote it in a book. That's this book for me.

It's a story about a band, the 70s, family, love... It's about the heartbreak of breaking down every wall and showing them who you really are - only to find out they won't love you in the end. It's also about the power of music. And, connection. 

What ultimately broke up Daisy Jones & the Six? You find out in this book. You find yourself knowing that it's going to happen, but wishing it will never end. Not only the band, but the book itself. I'm gushing, I realize. But, it's that freaking good.

I know Reese Witherspoon has the rights and that Amazon is going to make a series out of it. That's cool. I won't watch. For me, Daisy and Billy and the songs in this book already live in my head. I can't imagine the story being told better than it is in print.

Sometimes when you read a book on vacation, it artificially inflates the quality. Truth be told, I read this book on a beach in Costa Rica. But, you could read it in a cave and the story would resonate just as powerfully. There's something about the way Taylor Jenkins Reid brings her characters and stories to life. Her book Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo was one of my favorites of 2017 - and, one of my favorite books ever. Whether you have a beach or a bed or a bus... just read it. And, let Daisy and the band come to life.

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