Wednesday, December 29, 2021

What Happened To You


I know I'm supposed to like this book. I'm supposed to like it because Oprah said so! I mean, she didn't, but.. It's Oprah!

I was fired up to read this book, as I've spent much of the last couple of years learning more about the impact of trauma on people's lives. Not that I feel like I've had deep trauma, but this movement to recognize trauma is fascinating to me and is a much better way to evaluate people and relationships.

This book was lauded by every podcast interviewee, but I'm wondering if those who were so enthralled by it actually read it. It would have been much better as an audio conversation than a book (audio book, perhaps?)

The concept is that the book is a conversation between Oprah and Dr. Perry, who is a leading expert on the effects of childhood trauma. But, to me, it didn't work as a written convo. I found myself wondering if both of them just liked hearing themselves talk too much for it to be insightful.

The message here is important - that what happens in our childhood shapes us forever. I just feel like the message can be - and, has been - delivered in much more compelling formats.

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