Wednesday, December 2, 2020

A Star is Bored


The book is called A Star is Bored. Well, my friends, so was this reader.

It had potential. It was written up as one of the most anticipated books of the fall, in fact. I first heard about the book because one of my co-workers used to work with the author. Turns out, he went from being a TV news writer in L.A. to working as Carrie Fisher's personal assistant! Fascinating fodder for a book, for sure. And, while he says the book isn't actually based on anyone... the main character is a TV news writer who leaves the grind of working the overnight shift to work for an aging actress who once played an uber-popular princess in a sci-fi movie from his childhood.

SURE it's not based on real-life...

Anyway, I was excited to read something quick and uplifting and kind of mindless. I wasn't expecting Tolstoy here. But, what started out as funny and interesting and quirky become tedious about 150 pages in. It would have been better as a magazine article or a short story or maybe just some funny cocktail party stories.

The main character is a bit lost and broken, as is the actress he works for. They have adventures, they take care of each other in their own way, he grows, etc. It's fine. Whatever, it's fine. It just never picked up the pace or really led me anywhere I couldn't go myself.

I'm not saying Lane should go back to overnight news writing (he won't need to, this book is a success.) But, if you're looking for a fun journey, you may be better off with US Weekly or reruns of The Hills.

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