Thursday, December 31, 2020

Race Against Time


What a book. Wow.

In an era where people cry "fake news" and disparage the media at every turn, this book made my journalist heart so proud and happy. It made me angry, too, but we'll get to that.

I'm not sure how this book flew under the radar for me. Jerry Mitchell is a longtime newspaper reporter in Mississippi whose work helped bring to justice several people who committed horrific civil rights crimes in the 1960's. From the Mississippi Burning case to the Birmingham church bombing, these were crimes we've heard about, but I had no idea people had not been properly prosecuted for the crimes.

Mitchell details each of these crimes and his work to bring these killers and KKK members to justice. It's journalism, non-fiction, but it reads like a thriller.

As someone who grew up in the mostly-white northwest, it is incomprehensible to me the disgusting crimes that went on in this part of our country in the very recent past. It's even more abhorrent how many people in power either turned a blind eye or, in some cases, were part of the murderous mobs themselves.

I don't know what it was about Jerry Mitchell that had these klansmen singing like canaries, but how incredibly satisifying.

If you're a fan of good journalism, this is a must read. I'm so glad I ended my year with this book.

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